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Mommy and Me - 2 & 3 years

Watch your toddler learn and grown in this introduction to music.  Each class includes singing, dancing and movement, balance, rhythm, musical instruments, rhyming, following patterns, social connections and interaction, self-expression, and much more. These classes will stimulate your child’s brain and musical ear and is a fun way to bond with your child.  
Parent or guardian must accompany their child to each class and participate in classroom activities.  
These classes will stimulate your child’s brain, musical ear, and thirst for new experiences!

Please complete the registration under the parent or guardian name. You will be asked for the child's name at the checkout. 
Course ID/# : 1103/EMUS-9419
Tuition: $99.00

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Continuing Education and Corporate Training Quick Links 
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 4 pm
Main Number: 403.356.4900